Frankenstein: Junji Ito Story Collection HC

800 грн.
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Автор Дзюндзи Ито (Junji Ito)
Ілюстратор Дзюндзи Ито (Junji Ito)
Видавництво Viz Media
Палітурка Твердый
Мова  Англійська
Кількість сторінок 408
Формат 145х210 мм
Жанр Хоррор
Ілюстрації Чорно-білі

Категорії: Манґа і ранобе

The master of horror manga brings the world's greatest horror novel—Frankenstein—back to life.

Junji Ito meets Mary Shelley! The master of horror manga bends all his skill into bringing the anguished and solitary monster—and the fouler beast who created him—to life with the brilliantly detailed chiaroscuro he is known for.

Also included are six tales of Oshikiri—a high school student who lives in a decaying mansion connected to a haunted parallel world. Uncanny doppelgangers, unfortunately murdered friends, and a whole lot more are in store for him.

Bonus: The Ito family dog! Thrill to the adventures of Non-non Ito, an adorable Maltese!

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