The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Vol. 5

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Видавництво Viz Media
Палітурка Мягкий
Мова  Англійська
Кількість сторінок 192
Формат 130х170 мм
Жанр Приключения, Фэнтези
Ілюстрації Чорно-білі

Link must defeat evil at every turn in his perilous quest to help Princess Zelda!

Once upon a time, wizards tried to conquer the Sacred Realm of Hyrule. The Spirits of Light sealed the wizards’ power within the Shadow Crystal and banished them to the Twilight Realm beyond the Mirror of Twilight. Now, an evil menace is trying to find Midna, Princess of the Twilight Realm, and the fragments of the Shadow Crystal to gain the power to rule over both the Twilight Realm and the World of Light.

Midna has been Link’s traveling companion and ally since the start of their journey, but will her ultimate goal of saving the Twilight Realm drive her away from Link? Link’s own quest to save Hyrule leads him to seek the advice of Princess Zelda—and learn that to defeat the ultimate evil plaguing the world they will need a particular weapon: the Master Sword!

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